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Eirini Kaloudi

Normaalihinta €95,00

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  • Eirini Kaloudi is a health professional, a Dietitian - Nutritionist, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the United Kingdom, and runs her private practice in the UK.

    She holds a degree in Dietetics from the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and a Master's Degree from Harokopio University in Athens.

    She has several years of experience in various fields of dietetics as well as sports.


    • Master's Degree, Harokopio University of Athens, Exercise and Nutrition
    • Bachelor's Degree, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (2009)

    Professional Experience

    • Dietitian - Nutritionist and Personal Trainer (2009-present)
    • Consultant and service provider for dietary supplement companies (2016-present)
    • Volunteer at the "Kokkori Foundation" (Down Syndrome Foundation) (2014-2016)
    • Instructor for dietitian assistants and cooks at the Vocational Training Institute (2011-2015)
    • Dietary supplement company collaborator (2008-2009)
    • Trainee dietitian, University General Hospital of Larissa (2006-2008)


    • Designed a program (with a team) for children with Down Syndrome at the Research and Education Center for Metabolism and Human Nutrition in Grundlsee, Austria (2012)
    • Awarded for one of her papers at the 11th Dietetics Conference in Athens, which was published in the Nutrition Society Magazine titled: "The effect of different coffee doses on energy intake and hunger feelings in healthy male and female volunteers" (2011)

    Languages Spoken

    • English
    • Greek

    Search terms: Dietitians, Nutritionists, Health Professionals

    Eirini Kaloudi is a health professional, a Dietitian - Nutritionist, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) in the United Kingdom, and runs her private practice in the UK.

    She holds a degree in Dietetics from the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and a Master's Degree from Harokopio University in Athens.

    She has several years of experience in various fields of dietetics as well as sports.


    • Master's Degree, Harokopio University of Athens, Exercise and Nutrition
    • Bachelor's Degree, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (2009)

    Professional Experience

    • Dietitian - Nutritionist and Personal Trainer (2009-present)
    • Consultant and service provider for dietary supplement companies (2016-present)
    • Volunteer at the "Kokkori Foundation" (Down Syndrome Foundation) (2014-2016)
    • Instructor for dietitian assistants and cooks at the Vocational Training Institute (2011-2015)
    • Dietary supplement company collaborator (2008-2009)
    • Trainee dietitian, University General Hospital of Larissa (2006-2008)


    • Designed a program (with a team) for children with Down Syndrome at the Research and Education Center for Metabolism and Human Nutrition in Grundlsee, Austria (2012)
    • Awarded for one of her papers at the 11th Dietetics Conference in Athens, which was published in the Nutrition Society Magazine titled: "The effect of different coffee doses on energy intake and hunger feelings in healthy male and female volunteers" (2011)

    Languages Spoken

    • English
    • Greek

    Search terms: Dietitians, Nutritionists, Health Professionals

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